Grocery Pickup in MATTHEWS, North Carolina

Harris Teeter has 5 grocery pickup locations in MATTHEWS, NC. Save time and money by shopping the same great deals online that you'd find in-store, all without any surprise fees or hidden markups. Simply select the grocery store you'd like to pickup from, build your cart with the products you want, then choose a pickup time that's convenient for you.

Austin Village

1351 Chestnut Ln, Matthews, NC, 28104
(704) 234-0405
Pickup Available

Idlewild Market

15080 Idlewild Rd Ste P, Matthews, NC, 28104
(704) 882-2277
Pickup Available

Matthews Festival

1811 Matthews Township Pkwy, MATTHEWS, NC, 28105
(704) 846-7117
Pickup Available

Plantation Market

3100 Weddington Rd, MATTHEWS, NC, 28105
(704) 841-1810
Pickup Available

Weddington Corners

13639 Providence Rd, MATTHEWS, NC, 28104
(704) 847-5955
Pickup Available