Florists in CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia

Harristeeter has 3 florists in CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Order flowers for pickup by selecting a location below or use our flower delivery service to send a fresh bouquet to a loved one. If you prefer to shop in-store, our friendly florists are ready to help you create a perfect floral arrangement for any occasion!

Barracks Road

975 Emmet St N Spc 8, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, 22903
(434) 984-2900
Pickup Available

Blue Ridge

545 Radford Ln Bldg A, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, 22903
(434) 823-1184
Pickup Available

Hollymead Town Center

159 Community St, Charlottesville, VA, 22911
(434) 872-0009
Pickup Available