DIY - What to Write in a Valentine's Day Card


February 14 — Valentine’s Day. And the spotlight’s on love, affection, and the exciting range of emotions we experience in all of our relationships that makes life so much fun!

When you think about it, greeting cards are really the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day card sayings, with the perfect design on the outside and the perfect message on the inside, are the most meaningful things you can give to someone.

But don’t stop with just signing your name. With one extra step, you can make a card even more special by adding your own Valentine’s Day card message — or maybe even include one or two Happy Valentine’s Day quotes. (They can even be directly from you.)

Start by thinking about the type of relationship you share with someone. Romantic? Friend? Special someone TBD? (There are lots of “not sure yet” relationships, too.) Remember, Valentine’s Day isn’t only about established love relationships. It’s a time to tell anyone how much they mean. Daughter, mother, maybe someone new – how about teacher valentine’s messages?

If you simply think of your message as a conversation, like you’re talking directly to the person, then those Happy Valentine's Day card sayings will come easy and sound exactly the way you’d say it.

Check out some of these specific ideas for what to write in a Valentine’s Day card that will help you get all the feels flowing in no time.


  • Anything I do is better with you. xoxo
  • We may not know exactly what this is just yet, but I like it. A lot.
  • Soul mate, best friend, partner — you’re everything to me and more.
  • Still can’t believe you’re my [one-and-only, boo, or insert your pet or nickname for them]. I’m truly the luckiest person ever.
  • Episode 1: You Episode 2: Me Episode 3: We
  • Love you to the moon and back — and with technology, maybe even to Mars and back someday, too. (That’s like, way more.)
  • I love you so much — but I love us together even more.
  • You’re the [mac to my cheese, butter on my popcorn, or something else you both love - use references to activities you share]!
  • I’d give up a million {pizzas, nights of binge-watching, or something they know you love personally] for one day of just you.
  • I love everything about you, but especially [insert what you love about them or a feeling when they’re around]. Happy Valentine’s Day to my one and only YOU!
  • Included in this card is a good amount of hugging, kissing, and other fun things we’ll do later.
  • Since the day we first met, you’re my sunniest sun and my shiniest star. Every day and always!


  • We don’t always get to pick our [sisters, aunts, mothers-in-law, etc.], but if we could, I’d pick you again!
  • Aunt, mentor, friend — hope all the love you give comes back to you on Valentine’s Day!
  • Ever since [we were kids, you came into our family, I could remember, etc.], I consider myself lucky to have you as my [sister, mother-in-law, etc.].
  • You’ve always reminded me what’s most important in life…and today, it’s thanking you for being the best [sister, brother etc.]!
  • You’re more than just an aunt — you’re the best one ever!
  • Because of women like you [Sis, Mom], I see the world as an amazing, inspiring place. Lots of love on Valentine’s Day
  • I’m proud of our family — because we’ve got people like you representing! Love ya lots, [name]!
  • Our family is CRAZY — aren’t you glad we can get past it and still love each other? Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • This valentine is for the coolest person in our family — from the other one, of course.


  • Cheers and Happy Valentine’s Day to my [BFF, mentor]! Because you deserve every hug, heart and applause for being so amazing!
  • You’re such a great human — hope all the love you give comes back to you a million times more this Valentine’s Day!
  • Life’s incomplete without friends like you — you’re the one who completes me most! Lots of love on Valentine’s Day!
  • You are legit the coolest person ever. xo
  • You exceed every expectation of being a friend — love you lots! xo
  • Someone as amazing as you deserves the most amazing Valentine’s Day, too.
  • I love you more than endless coffee refills. (Knowing me, that’s the most you can love something EVER.) [Or insert your favorite thing instead]
  • You are the best person ever. Hope Valentine’s Day is the best celebration for you!
  • Hey girl, thanks for being my favorite Galentine!
  • Lots of love to my partner-in-crime, laughs, margaritas, and everything else that makes life fun!
  • To the person who gets me the most — hope your Valentine’s Day is nothing but the absolute best!


  • You’re sweeter than Valentine’s Day candy.
  • Hey Cutie! You put the happy in Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. You’re my Valentine’s Day Sweetie, and I’ll always love you!
  • You’re cute, smiley, sweet and fun — when it comes to valentines, you’re #1!
  • I love you THIS much…plus even more!
  • You’re the peanut butter to my jelly, cutie! [Insert what the child loves most - spaghetti to my meatball, etc.]
  • I can’t think of a cuter cutie-pie to wish the happiest Valentine’s Day to!
  • Guess what else this valentine has in it? Opens your arms wide, now here’s a great big Valentine’s Day HUG! That’s what!
  • You’re the sweetest sweetheart that a momma (daddy) could ever have!
  • Happy Hearts Day, my sweet little one!
  • You’re my most favorite love bug in the whole wide world!


  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. You’re the best teacher ever —I’m so thankful for you!
  • Sometimes we don’t get to pick our teachers, but if so, I’d choose you all over again.
  • Kind, smart, inspiring and fun. When it comes to teachers, you’re #1!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to someone who has made a huge difference in my life.
  • Happy Hearts Day to the Best Teacher EVER.
  • I’m so lucky that you’re my teacher — hope you have a happy hearts day!
  • Thanks for being the person who inspires me so much.
  • For your time, your kindness, and your inspiration — hope today makes you feel appreciated for all you give.
  • Teachers are cool —that’s why you rule!
  • You do so much for all of us, especially for me. Thanks and Happy Valentine’s Day!


If you’re looking for more inspiration, these quotes are not only a nice fit for Valentine’s Day, but they help to provide a nice personal touch to your card.

  • “A toast is the recognition your heart makes for the things you’re grateful for — and I cheers to you today!” —Jill Jankowski
  • “Friends make life a lot more fun.” —Charles R. Swindoll
  • “My soulmate — the one who makes life come to life.” —Richard Bach
  • “You changed my life without even tryin.” —Steve Maraboli
  • “All I do is better with you.” Anonymous
  • “Chapter 1: You Chapter 2: Me Chapter 3: We” —Jill Jankowski
  • “Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
  • “If you love someone, love them with all your soul.” —Henry Rollins
  • “Your smile is my favorite part of the day.” Anonymous
  • “Love is in the little things, the big things, and everything in between. I want to stay with you through all of them.” Anonymous
  • “The greatest gift of life is friendship.” —Hubert H. Humphrey
  • “I try to say I love you in a million different ways. That's what I aspire to do.” —Christine McVie
  • “Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living.” —Travis Barker

See? You’ve got it! Write as much, or as little, as you’d like in your Valentine’s Day messages. After all it can be anything, as long as it comes from you and only you! A few simple sentences that describe that person, how grateful you are, and everything you love about them is what really matters.

In addition to writing/editing for American Greetings, Jill Jankowski is also a content editor, greeting card writer, blogger, leadership and life coach, producer, world traveler and standup paddleboard business owner. She loves her dogs more than anything in the world.