Xochitl Chip Corn White Organic 16 oz
Product Details
Unique organic white stone-ground corn chips. Sea salt. Organic. Thin & crispy. No trans fat. No gluten. All natural. No preservatives. No cholesterol. No GMO. We are proud to bring you Organically Grown White Corn Chips, made with some of the finest non-hydrogenated organic oils in the market. These chips are very thin and crispy with the delicious flavor that white corn brings to your palate. That is the reason the Aztec Indians prayed and glorified the goddess of the corn Chicomecoatl to thank her for providing such a delectable crop. Corn was so important to the Aztecs that she was also known as the goddess of nourishment and they depicted her carrying the Sun as a shield. Delicious! - The preparation of Nixtamal was a daily task for the housewife, and even now in old Mexico it still occupies up to six hours of a woman's day.